Why I write and for whom

I'm an Indonesian serial entrepreneur with a heart for mentoring and investing in the next generation of Indonesian brands. If you're curious to learn more, my linkedin is here. But why this blog, and who am I writing for?
A close friend hit me with this question after seeing me on a YouTube podcast: "Why do you share your insights? What's your ultimate goal?"
It's a question that made me pause. Back when I was running Gopay, every Bloomberg appearance or YouTube interview had a laser-focused purpose: to make financial services more accessible. QR Payments, paylater, you name it – the goal was always tied to Gopay's success. Now, with investments in health, creative industries, food and coffee, my motivations for public speaking might seem a bit more scattered.
The Heart of My Mission: Helping local businesses compete with global ones

The truth is, there's a common thread: My goal is to help local businesses stand shoulder-to-shoulder with global brands, winning first in their home market and then hopefully expanding abroad.
The sectors I’ll start with are those that I am already involved in, or ones I am still learning: Food and Beverage, Health and Wellness, Creative and Entertainment.
That's why I'm committing to sharing my thoughts more intentionally on this site. I've dabbled in writing before, but it was mostly when inspiration struck. Now, I want to be more consistent (aiming for at least bi-monthly). Writing forces me to think in a structured way, explaining my ideas without relying on the visual cues of video or social media, which I check and post sparingly.
Language and How to Subscribe
You'll find articles in both Indonesian and English (with a little help from translation tools). Indonesian articles will be shared on my Instagram broadcast channel – that's where my Indonesian friends hangs out most. English pieces will be on https://www.orange-glasses.com, and Linkedin occasionally for articles that I want to be read by a more global audience. Maybe I'm recommending the next Indonesian film on Netflix, or a fashion brand on exhibit in Tokyo... who knows!
Who is this for

For anyone curious in how Indonesian small businesses can compete globally. Even if it’s not one of the sectors I mentioned, feel free to link me to an article about one industry you think Indonesia is well suited to win.
I’ll try to have a call to action or question posed at the end of each article, so that I can build on the knowledge of the readers, some may already know more about the subjects I am writing about.
If you got this far, please join my Instagram Channel or subscribe to this blog. Cheers!